Rina’s The Magic Bracelet

In memory of Rina Goldberg

Rina's The Magic Bracelet|

Love life. Dream big. Be positive.

Amiel & Rebecca Goldberg

In memory of my dear niece, Rina Chana

Rina's The Magic Bracelet|

Who will always be a shining light in my life. I love you forever.

Love, Your Dodah Corri

In memory of our daughter Rina

Rina's The Magic Bracelet|

camp2010Taken far too soon. Miss you more than words Shine on “Love life, Dream Big, Be Positive”

Ema and abba (mom and dad)

In memory of Rina Goldberg

Rina's The Magic Bracelet|

For my granddaughter Rina who dreamed big, loved life and made it happen

Love, Grandma Millie