25th Anniversary

Going fast towards treatments, cures, and hope.

Celebrating 25 Years

For over 25 years we have counted on you, our most dedicated donors. You have funded critical educational programs and support services for patient families. You have powered the research that brings us closer to a cure.

In this, our 25th Anniversary year, you have a special opportunity to make a gift that moves us closer to a cure.

Hope in Progress

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Send Us Your Photo!

Throughout the year, UMDF will feature special moments from the past 25 years. We invite you to be part of this celebration. Share your memories, pictures and videos and show us how the UMDF has made an impact on your life.

Make a Donation Today

For over 25 years we have counted on you, our most dedicated donors.  You have funded critical educational programs and support services for patient families. You have powered the research that brings us closer to a cure.  In this, our 25th Anniversary  year, you have a special opportunity to make a gift that moves us closer to a cure.